Eliminate chronic back pain can be a real ordeal for people who suffer from, which are many. Currently there are several medical techniques aimed at eliminating it or alleviate as far as possible. From the pain that we all know, until the surgery, ozone therapy, or electrical stimulation, the current possibilities are very varied. In today’s article will see one of the most effective techniques: nerve block.

This system of healing based on the injection or inflitración of drugs in different points. Products that are used currently are the procaine and lidocaine and bupivacaine, depending on the type of pain and the effect you want to get.

as indicated by the doctor Mª Isabel Heraso, President of the International Foundation of pain and Director of the Madrid hospital San Francisco de Asís pain unit need to find out where the nerve that is causing the pain travels and block it. […] Medication gets precisely in the area of the sore, which concentrates on all the drug for immediate analgesic effect ”.

Nerve block therapy is very beneficial, both for acute as stiff neck or back pain tables, and for chronic pain (periarticulars, arthrosis of spine, long lumbociáticas …).

Pain relief technique has many advantages.The eradication of the pain is of immediate effect, allowing the implementation of rehabilitation therapies without having to wait.Reflex phenomena that increase pain, postural problems, are also immediately eliminated, and the painful area loses its inflammation.

Finally, nerve block therapy is also a vasodilator effect that manages the contribution of blood to the painful area is much larger, with a consequent increase of the contribution of nutrients and oxygen.

Source: magazine prevent.

Tags: blocking, back pain, back pain, back, back problems