Pregnancy pregnancy is a very sweet moment for many future moms (and dads), do not see the time in which his son became part of their lives. This stage can be bearable or strenuous, depending on the type of pregnancy to touch us and the mother itself; But what is certain is that there are certain substances that should not miss in the body of pregnant women, mothers and usually have to get with supplements.

These substances or micronutrient them prescribed usually your doctor; although they are essential, should never self-medicate but that the best thing is to follow the advice of professional.In this article and someone else tell you what, and what is its function.

folic acid: sure that all pregnant women and all the mothers you sound these two words. It’s a vitamin of the B group, whose deficiency may be related to the problems of spina bifida and severe deformations in the neural tube of the fetus. Its presence in some vegetables is not enough, and it is best to take it up to three months before you get pregnant and until the 12th week of gestation.Iron: in this case, the risk of iron deficiency is more for the mother to her unborn child.The iron in the blood of the mother is absorbed by his son in a few seconds;its lack can lead to problems such as anemia or brain disorders. Although it is present in many foods, occasionally be taken supplements.

Tags: care pregnancy, pregnancy nutrition, pregnancy supplements