One of the most popular drinks among young people are those with energizing properties; brands such as Red Bull and Monster have acquired great notoriety, especially to young students with a very busy life.


, However, has discovered that many components of the energy drinks can cause serious damage to the teeth of people.

A new study has determined that the energy drinks have a high acid content that can contribute to the deterioration of the teeth, which can be far worse than the usual soft drinks consumption, according to the medical dentistPoonam Jain.

There is a mistaken belief that energy drinks and sports drinks are healthier because the drinks with gas for the oral health; however, we have determined that they erode the enamel of the teeth and this causes problems such as the deterioration and the sensitivity of them are easier to acquire. ”

To reach the conclusion that energy drinks and sports drinks such as Gatorade and Red Bull respectively are bad for teeth, Dr. Jain and his team experimented with around 22 beverages (13 drinks for sportsmen and 9 energy drinks); both types are bad for the oral health, but has been determined to be the those energy drinks great damage in the enamel and that such havoc are irreversible.

And as mentioned at the beginning of the article, both types of beverages are quite popular among adolescents and young adults, because they consider to increase your performance in busy lives as students, by what is determining how to give to know the damage that can cause excessive consumption of such beverages.

What are beverages that recorded the highest degree of acidity, which may harm the health of teeth? According to the research published in Pak Tribune, the energy drink that most affects the teeth is Red Bull, while the sport drink that is more damaging is Gatorade Blue.

We recommend drinking this kind of snacks in moderation and not rely solely on them: there are alternatives such as natural stimulants, as well as take short NAPs to recharge the energy and pay more, without having to resort to chemicals that will eventually harm the body.