
under the slogan: “I want to see, I don’t want to see more”, presents an emotional action, taking stock of the good and bad that has had 2010.

Optimism and enthusiasm are prevalent in a campaign that will give that talk. General Optica offers us the opportunity to ask our wishes for the coming year under a halo of hope own Christmas.

To this end, they have created an emotional video that takes as its starting point the things that have marked the 2010 and invites us to reflect on what you do not want to see more, and what do we want to see for this next year.

< object type=”application/x-shockwave-flash”width=”550″height=”343″data=”http://www.youtube.com/v/64y1BWDzrs8?color1=234900 & color2 = 4e9e00 & border = 1 & fs = 1 & hl = in & loop = & showinfo = 0 & iv_load_policy = 3 & showsearch = 0 & rel=1&feature=player_embedded”> < param name =”movie”value=”http://www.youtube.com/v/64y1BWDzrs8?color1=234900 & color2 = 4e9e00 & border = 1 & fs = 1 & hl = in & loop = & showinfo = 0 & iv_load_policy = 3 & showsearch = 0 & rel = 1 & feature = player_embedded “< param name =”allowFullScreen”value =”true”< param name =”wmode”value =”transparent”

In addition, has created a site where you can view this video and invites people to share their wishes for the 2011.

Merry Christmas to all!

!!Tags: Christmas, eye care, general optica campaigns