It beneficial properties of the plant of echinacea on our health are numerous and well known for centuries but if it stands out for one in particular is its ability to strengthen the immune system, which becomes a great help for our body to prevent infections.It is one of the plants most used to activate our defences in a completely natural way and get our organism to react positively to external aggressions of agents such as viruses, bacteria, Bacillus and/or toxic substances. related to this you should be aware that echinacea also has an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory, especially against arthritis function. This medicinal plant has the virtue of increasing the resistance of our body against attack that can make us bacteria, viruses and fungi. It is also especially healing and 1,972 cellular aging process because it favors the production of extra-cellular, cells involved in the healing process.Echinacea is a plant that does not present practically contraindications or side effects when taken in recommended therapeutic doses. It can only cause a sensation of itching in the language in certain people that is absolutely harmless. Patients who have submitted pictures allergic to plants in the family of daisies and sunflowers should take special care with their handling. As a security measure, and in the absence of studies that show its effect, it is recommended that do not use echinacea to pregnant women or nursing mothers. Medicinal herb

Tags: properties of echinacea, strengthened immune system, strengthen defenses