experts see no necessary drugs to deal with the spring asthenia, as Secretary of the Spanish society of Medicine of family and community (semFYC), the doctor explains Salvador Tranche, which ensures that this disorder is resolved “in a few days and without any complications”.

In addition, it considers that “there no evidence that exists as a clinical entity”, so “is not a disease in itself”. At its discretion, the spring asthenia “is a small Adaptive disorder motivated by station and time change, and the increase in luminosity”.

Therefore Tranche explained to Reuters that “is not very important.” “It is passenger,” it says. As regards alterations that can produce those affected, points out that these are “small” and have “a physical and psychological component”.

The first are targeted at “fatigue and difficulty sleeping,” while the psychic are originated by the change in temperature, that “heat can alter a little bit”, and by the luminosity. “The light is a stimulant but to some people can cause them irritability and lack of initiative”, underlines the Galen.

El doctor Tranche fails to find a specific explanation to the fact that this disorder occurs at this time of the year. In his view, “it would be logical that it produced when light is reduced, but here it happens the other way round”. Therefore considers that it is as if the Agency was “desacompasado”.

Increasingly affects fewer people, being A women which most

However, Yes confirm the fact that the spring asthenia “mostly affects women”, but does not have an answer to this situation. So yes guess a solution is for the fact that this disorder affects increasingly fewer people. In his view, this situation is due to the crisis because “people is more concerned about other things.” “The asthenia is one minor problem,” sentence.

In short, argues that this alteration “affects very few people” and that even patients more attend the consultation “to rule out conditions such as anemia or a depressing picture”. With regard to the latter Tranche warns that, in its mild level, agree the symptoms of “sleep disturbance, lack of enthusiasm and initiative, sadness and fatigue”. However, acute depression is considered distinctive because the Symptoms “are more severe and serious”.

Finally, the representative of the semFYC ensures that spring asthenia “does not prevent a normal life, except when it is durable and is accompanied by pain joints and a more general affectation”. In his view, “you are more tired and slower, but not incapacitates”.

To combat it, the recipe proposes is “keep a sleep hygiene resting 7 or 8 hours at night, having a regular schedule of meals and exercise.” “Practicing a healthy lifestyle is all you have to do,” concludes Dr. Tranche.