Failure to comply with the guidelines of medication reduces the effectiveness of the treatment

on November 15, day of adhesion therapeutic.

Madrid, November 2011- Much of the clinical processes lead couple the prescription of drugs. The patient must be responsible pursuant to the dose of prescribed drugs, that fail to comply with the guidelines of medication brings negative consequences for the development of the disease. The Prince of Asturias Hospital joined the day of the therapeutic adherence, an initiative which promotes the Spanish society of hospital pharmacy

therapeutic adhesion is the strict compliance by the patient of the patterns of medication which doctor has prescribed you for its clinical processto cure the disease, prevent complications, eliminate the symptoms or to reduce them, ultimately to improve their quality of life. A decrease in the effectiveness and efficiency of the drug occurs when the patient does not follow the guidelines of medication, leaves treatment before its completion, forgets to take the prescribed dose, in breach of the dosage or does not respect the contraindications explained in the prospectuses.

In order to encourage patients to comply fully with their pharmacological treatments, the Spanish society of hospital pharmacy (Spanish), held on November 15, day therapy adherence and medication information. This initiative is in line with recommendations on therapeutic adherence established the World Health Organization and is endorsed by the Ministry of health.

Hospital pharmacy professionals

The Hospital Prince of Asturias, in Alcalá de Henares, join this date with various activities organized by the service of hospital pharmacy, whose practitioners are responsible for the pharmaceutical care to outpatients and inpatients. The hospital pharmacy promotes specific programmes of pharmaceutical care for chronic patients, with recommendations for improving adherence in certain pathologies.

Hospital pharmacy services should explain to the patient the importance of therapeutic adherence to their health. In addition, the resulting economic impact of the non-compliance with therapeutic means higher rate of hospital admissions and a worse disease control ” explains Rosario Santaolaya, the Prince of Asturias Hospital pharmacist and member of the Spanish society of hospital pharmacy.

Activities on the occasion of the day of the adhesion

Among the activities organized by the Spanish in hospitals of all Spain, and which was joined by the Prince of Asturias Hospital, contained delivery of leaflets to patients on the clinical and economic consequences of non-adherence to treatments.

Pharmacists invited patients to carry out a simple questionnaire on basic aspects related to pharmacological treatments in order to convey the idea that the patient is responsible for learn about medications that have been scheduled.