family physicians are formed on arthrosis given the importance of this disease in Catalonia.

a million Catalans suffers from osteoarthritis, disease that often aggravates symptoms coincide with the colder months.

Spain, February of 2012- the Catalan society of family and community, CAMFiC, medicine organized the II Jornada of Rheumatology, focused this year on arthritis, one of the main diseases of the apparatus locomotive. last Wednesday, throughout the day, the headquarters of CAMFiC 316 Diputación of Barcelona hosted a day job where the integrated approach was reviewed and scientific in this condition, recent drugs incorporated for their treatment and the most efficient way of carrying out explorations, infiltration, as well as the interpretation of radiological testing and diagnosis.

Daily pass suffering from arthrosis consultation of professionals in primary care, family physicians are therefore a key figure in this pathology, in coordination with the rheumatologist. This is a very prevalent illness, to the point that it is estimated that in Catalonia, the number of patients can reach one million people. He is osteoarthritis, especially knee and hip, one of the leading causes of permanent incapacity for work.

The main feature of arthritis is wear of bone cartilage, which favours the friction between bones and leads to pain and disability movement. The main symptoms are: pain, deformity of the joints and inflammation with acute episodes. Arthritis has no specific cure, but forced to deal with its main manifestation: pain. The routine drugs to treat are analgesics and anti-inflammatory agents, in addition to different interventions such as infiltrations, physiotherapy and complementary therapies.

This disease affects the quality of life, and may condition the usual activities of patients. It is more frequent over 50 years and has features of chronic disease, although its evolution can be very slow. Arthritis can be controlled with pharmacological action, but also acting on the sedentary lifestyle, so frequent a weight loss and maintaining moderate physical activity can be factors that improve the status of patients. The coming years will increase significantly the number of patients, due to population ageing.

Bioiberica Farma company collaborated in this scientific meeting, in accordance with the principles of promoting health and well-being that drives the CAMFIC.