A beautiful and healthy teeth is synonymous with health and well-being. The importance of brushing and intake of healthy foods to get rid of tooth decay and dental infections is a well-known subject.


despite the continuous dissemination of this information, the practice ends up being different from theory. Some parents end up yielding to the appeals of children and, often, not to hear the weeping lend to requests for bullets, sweets and


what seems bullshit can become a risk to the health of teeth. According to the dentist Hélia Soraya Gomes, excess intake of soft drinks and foods with much sugar contributes to the emergence of tooth decay. the later children receive this type of food, better ”, stresses the dentist


to ensure a good teeth, care must begin early. From the three months, mothers can already start message hygiene. After each feeding, MOM can do the cleaning of the mouth with a gauze and iced Chamomile tea to remove the remains of ” milk, explains the


regular consultations with a odontopediatra also help in the care of the children’s teeth. The specialist will strengthen this process of


the ideal diet for a good teeth must be rich in vegetables, fruit and vegetables. In older children, hard and crunchy foods like Apple and carrot also help in cleaning. How are crispy stimulate hygienisation and contribute to remove bacterial ” cards,


the lack of care from the earliest months of life stimulates the occurrence of caries of bottle that can result in the removal of the tooth. in these cases, the only conduct hygiene and treatment is the application of a medication that decreases the speed of ” caries, observes the dentist


fluoride, calcium and iron are also substances essential for a good teeth. Fluoride can be found in water and toothpastes, but before the two years we recommend brushing your teeth of children with products without fluoride. Already the calcium and iron are found in foods such as milk, beans and beets
