The Desensibilize Nano P, FGM, is a new treatment for immediate and long-lasting alleviation of dental sensitivity augmented over the first 48 hours. The launch has technology of calcium phosphate nanoparticles.


the Desensibilize Nano P, FGM, is a new treatment for immediate and long-lasting alleviation of dental sensitivity. The launch has technology of calcium phosphate nanoparticles that promotes gradual relief of hypersensitive, and in most cases these are improves in the first


this effect is potentiated along the first 48 hours, by the action of saliva on nanoparticles of hydroxylapatite./> new age product as follows: heat, cold, air pressure, sweets, drinks and citrus foods are stimuli that can cause fluid movement in the tubules. This causes increased pressure in these tubules, which stimulates the nerves of the interior of the tooth and causes pain


With the Nano P, nanoparticles of hydroxylapatite deposited in tubules as if they were sealing this entry, impeding the access of external stimuli to tooth pulp, eliminating the pain

