First year of the SEACV Vascular Medicine, to dedicated, among other things, to diagnosis, therapy and the comprehensive approach to pathologies vascular.

from March 31 to April 1 all Spain specialists will meet in Madrid.

-the working sessions will take place in the Hotel Meliá Castilla, Captain Hague, 43.

Madrid, March 2011.- section of medicine Vascular-Angiology, of the Spanish society of Angiology and Vascular Surgery (SEACV), organized in the next 31 March and 1 April the course of Vascular Medicine ”, in which outstanding specialists, not only of the Vascular Surgery, but also internists, pulmonologists, geriatricians, pharmacologists, cardiologists and family doctors discuss the rápidosavances is experiencing approach of concurrence pathology, diagnosis, medical treatment and secondary prophylaxis of diseases as well as cuestionessobre vascular.

to Dr. José Ramón March, Coordinator of the section of medical Vascular-Angiology of the SEACV, these jornadasson ” an opportunity increasingly necessary for that Angiólogos, and Vascularesintercambien surgeons clinical experiences and update the latest advances in a field whose evolucionamuy technology quickly; as well as an adequate interdisciplinary forum in which to discuss issues pertaining to various specialists and, thus, be able to optimize the treatment of patients, the correct assessment of the risk aterotrombótico and its proper prophylactic ”.

another important novelty of esteI Vascular Medicine course is that it has been sidoelescenario elected to present the first consensus-guíaentre medical and Vascular Surgeons of primary care sobrela called Peripheral Arterial Disease. Estedocumento aims to be a roadmap for primary care physicians to channel the sick with this pathology by welfare itineraries suitable.