Bach Bach flowers are natural essences used to treat various emotional situations, such as fears, loneliness, stress or depression. They were discovered by Dr. Edward Bach between 1926 and 1934.

El Dr. Bach was a researcher, physician and homeopath. He experimented with various native wildflowers in the region of Wales, in Britain, where it was originally, until you find 38 natural remedies, each with healing properties for various emotional problems.These 38 flowers are called flowers of Bach.

His theory was that physical diseases have an emotional origin, and diseases of the body begin to appear when the emotional conflicts have not been resolved and these persist for a long time. If on the other hand, you can restore emotional balance, you will manage to avoid physical illness. In this way he developed therapy of emotions.

Therapy with elixirs of Bach belongs to the realm of vibrational calls. Its purpose is to help to overcome emotional States than we are trapped, that we do not handle, in order to achieve greater psychic balance.

Tags: flowers of bach, therapy emotions