Five when do diet always have to take into account a few basic pointers to make it so effective and healthy as possible: 1. No te saltes you any food: do not think that no dinner or breakfast not gonna lose weight more quickly. Breakfast is one of the most important meals of the day and which burn more easily over this. It is advisable to make 5 meals a day, so will get to the next meal with more feeling of satiety.

2. Not you avoid them altogether your favorite food: If you do it is very likely that you’re done dándode a binge anytime. It is preferable to eat small portions of these foods to eliminate them from your diet but always bear in mind. It is important to look for substitutes, for example, if you have addiction to chocolate, it is preferable that you avoid chocolate with milk and consume chocolate as pure as possible.

3. Do not believe that you removing the fat because you have your problem solved. The important thing is to achieve a balance between the different types of food and make a more balanced diet. Note that foods such as potatoes or pasta are low in fat but contain many hydrates of carbon, so if you remove the fat but you eat many foods of this kind you continue taking weight.

4. don’t eat less than you have marked your dietician or your diet. The body is very wise and if you do not consume the minimum levels of carbohydrates, proteins, or vitamins that your body needs, you can have a problem of health

5. Not you think that is enough to eat every 2-3 hours. It is important to make 5 meals a day, but it is always best to make only 4 and are less copious than eat 5 times a day and snacks between hours.

In DeTuSalud you will be advising the best diet, tricks and techniques to lose weight without jeopardizing your health.

Tags: tips, tips summer