menopause Food is a stage that all women go in life, sooner or later. In our body begins to form a series of changes that we are noticing in the form of many symptoms. And we also have to start caring more, so we are going to talk about that series of food are more advisable at this stage.

For better pass this stage, recommends eating more fiber, which can be found in fruits, vegetables or cereals. It is ideal that we also consume more white, such as fish, chicken or Turkey meat. hydration is important, must follow the recommendation routine take between 1.5 liter and two liters of water per day, make three strong daily meals and keep a schedule when it comes to eating.

What if we must avoid it is to consume large quantities of butter and whole milk products, as well as frying sausages, meat with fat, drinks with alcohol and above all keep us with salt.

EmmBlog psychology

Tags: food menopause, menopause, menopause remedies