the more try, get less sleep. On these occasions always we resorted to the traditional remedies of the grandmother, a tila or a glass of hot milk. But there are other Options. The key that allows us to numb us is melatonin, a brain chemical which is which “says” our body that we need to sleep. For this reason it is important that we take in quantity food rich in melatonin, but also help us the magnesium, potassium and carbohydrates. on the basis of these premises, what food we can take that we induce sleep?. To begin with cherries, a fruit with a very high level of melatonin. If we take them one hour before bedtime, they release this substance in this body and will help us to sleep. Bananas are also highly recommended in this regard, because they are very rich in magnesium and potassium.The same effect as a banana, it has traditional bowl of hot milk, because it is rich in calcium and releases serotonin, which helps us to relax and fall asleep. In addition, the heat has a great calming effect. Finally, a suggestion that surely will surprise you: a slice of toasted bread when lying down also helps sleep. The reason is very simple: to be a source of carbohydrates, increases insulin in our body and leads us to sleep. Today women your professional book

Tags: food against insomnia, tips sleep, insomnia, problems sleep, sleep, sleep disorders