
surely to many of us cost us resist open a bag of potatoes and eat only one. The same happens with an ice-cream, a burger or any fast food that tempts us, but why? The University of California at Irvine researchers have given with the response.

Every time you consume this type of food, our gut produces what is known as endocanabinoides, a substance similar to compounds containing marijuana. These endocanabinoides are involved in many physiological processes, such as the appetite, the sensation of pain, memory, or the State of mind.

This does not usually happen when we consume sugars or proteins. The process starts when we pass the fatty food by language, and these fats generate a signal that makes a tour of the brain to the vagus nerve that runs from the pharynx to the intestine and there is where the signal stimulates the production of endocanabinoides, which leads to an increase in the cellular signals that cause the eagerness to continue to consume food fatty.

Tags: food with fats, endocanabinoides, fat