
every day we will find that is becoming increasingly more common sedentary lifestyle. To prevent future injuries that we have with lack of exercise have to strengthen our muscles.

The first step to strengthen our linkages and have optimal health is to make a good warm-up before you start to do sport, that we will achieve that muscles from contracting with more speed, power and efficiency. We begin our heating from above, starting from the neck up down, ending with the ankles with progressive movements by moving each of our joints to improve muscle elasticity and sinewy.

When we have finished our stretches, we will have to continue with stretches of repetitive movements in each of the main regions of muscle in our body.

Finally, after the training, it is essential that we carry out exercises of cooling to return to the situation of repose of gradually relaxing our muscles little to little.

In addition to this process on a daily basis, you want to make a few small tips so that your joints are not damaged to do some activity sports.

You have to avoid overweight, since nothing comes good to your joints. – uses a good footwear and sportswear suitable. – tries to do sport in soft ground, as you so get reduce the strength of the impact – When you have finished the practice of sports, relax walking slowly shaking the arms the body gradually to redisplay the rest. – strengthens your joints hydrating drink isotonic or in water to replenish salts minerals. – keep one good rich nutrition in omega 3 fatty acid.-If you need to use some vitamin supplements to improve your performance.

Remember to follow a routine with all the steps to improve your performance physicist.

Tags: stretching, muscle injury, prevent injury, to prevent sports injuries