Paris, 10 Apr (EFE).-the French public health deficit fell to 8,360 billion in 2011, compared to 11,360 billion a year earlier, announced by director of the management agency, Frédéric van Roekeghem, which ruled out “brutal reforms” for the purpose of financial equilibrium of the system.

“The balance is within reach without launch brutal reforms”, stressed in an interview published today by “Les Echos” Van Roekeghem, in response to the employers Medef, whose President considered a few days ago that public health is “on the verge of bankruptcy” and that win whoever wins the spring elections it will be missing a far-reaching reform.

The director of the health insurance recognized that social protection is not sufficiently financed but that “for several years we control better spending”.

Thus explained that management costs, representing 5.5% of the budget in 2000 have diminished their relative to 3.6% weight and strength in these functions have declined from 85,000 at the end of 2003 to 72,000 currently, thanks mostly to the “dematerialization” of all the paperwork, which in many cases are made by internet.

Noted that the two main candidates in the French presidential election, the conservative Nicolas Sarkozy and Socialist François Hollande between, “there is a consensus clear on the need to control spending and to maintain a high level of social protection”.

Sarkozy in his programme provides for an increase in health spending of 2.5 per cent per annum if returns to be re-elected as head of State, while Hollande you want 3%.

In its mandate ending now, the first has sought to control to pop forcing pharmaceutical groups to reduce the prices of medicines, as well as renegotiating downward with doctors or other health professionals, some of its fares.

Van Roekeghem recalled that the Government has planned for this year further limiting the deficit to 5.9 billion euros, but considered that “it is still too early” to know if it will comply because it will mainly depend on the wage on which social security contributions depend.

In any case, was convinced that “the goal of spending should be respected again”. EFE