(www.neomundo.com.ar) in the eternal battle against those extra pounds, the tips come from everywhere: magazines, friends, television, newspaper, or neighbors. But the key to follow a diet and achieve weight loss might modify the environment in which each moves, a team of specialists concluded.

“We found that people who made diets and counted with a more appropriate environment – for example with smaller dishes, a pantry ordered otherwise or any containers for desserts – adhered to his plan longer and consequently achieved a greater weight loss,” said Brian Wansink, Cornell University (United States).

A PATHOLOGY with many consequences

Obesity is not a matter of simple aesthetics. This condition generates multiple health problems increase the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases, type 2 diabetes, arthritis, difficulty in mobilizing and certain types of cancer, among many others.

In addition, people with obesity often suffer from discrimination in various areas and have greater chance of having a depression. Although there are pharmacological and surgical treatments to alleviate this pathology, the first option is to healthy diets and physical activity regulate.

Practical advice for the home

Cornell University researchers analysed what could be the best way to firmly stick to a diet to lose weight. They worked with 200 volunteers who, at random, were divided into three groups. While some have learned how to improve their environment in relation to meals, others looked at how to incorporate better habits. Finally, the rest of the participants received classes to modify your choices of meals.

Three months all the volunteers followed the advice received, and at the end of this period of time it turned out that people who have changed their environment were those who managed to lose more weight.

Specialist mentioned some of the modifications that can be performed in the House of each person:

** Use smaller dishes

** Rearrange the pantry for not having given any food containing many calories

** Leave out of reach or not having dessert dishes

** Turn off the television, computer and mobile phones during meals

“These types of changes are much easier to implement than deciding to eat more girls portions, buy fruit instead of candy or set aside the chocolate and potato chips,” concluded Wansink.

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