Freedom of movement without risks.

technology and tranquility, the perfect binomial.

-By María de Jesús García Velázquez

Spain, March of 2013.- for the majority of people take to the streets is a daily activity that rarely has special relevance. However, for others, this apparently innocuous fact can represent innumerable risks. The possibility of disorientated and lost, being hit or suffer a crisis concerning your health are some of the numerous dangers that many may face if they have access to the street or to restricted areas.

Be sure that the people who run such risks are properly supervised and that, under no circumstances, their personal integrity, in all levels, will be exposed is the goal that should prevail in the homes of elderly people, in day centres, centres of assistance to persons with physical or intellectual disabilities and in any place where you have to charge a person requiring a permanent, highly effective care.

To achieve this objective, this kind of centres managers face a great responsibility: must know how to choose those technological resources that help them to ensure that its residents have greater mobility possible within facilities and spaces that represent a danger to the resident are inaccessible.

Technology providers are not oblivious to the security needs of these centres. Proof of this is the novel Farstriders system, designed by the multinational Neat Group. It’s a technological solution that allows the creation of different areas of step, i.e., a care centre facilities are divided by permitted and restricted areas. These zones are configured in units called D-ATOM and TRMUS, comfortable apparatus shaped bracelet that uses the resident.

With the bracelet the resident can be accessed with total freedom to areas that are permitted you, also the Centre Manager can breathe calmly, since when any patient access to an area not permitted, such as street, for example, the unit launches an alert call alarm of wandering. These notices are received by health professionals on a small portable unit – similar to the size of a mobile phone – call TREX – 2 G. The immediacy of the alarm allows health professionals to act quickly and prevent possible mishaps. The workforce at the same time may also have freedom of movement, since the unit TREX – 2 G is portable and has unlimited coverage.

Bracelets that the resident is designed to cover different user profiles. A remarkable aspect of TRMUS bracelet is that it is virtually impossible that the carrier can rid without the help of the professional, this is because it has a strap with maximum shear strength and a security lock that prevents its removal, which no doubt increases the safety of the resident.

Manuel Tamames, Director Canal and new projects of the Neat Group, who participated closely in the development of the system of Farstriders, was clear that «to guarantee a 99.99% security was needed to manufacture a system preventing the user able it to be removed without the help of a healthcare professional» and this is achieved with the new unity TRMUS.

In addition both bracelets can be immersed in water, a quality of utmost relevance to the residential centers that practice therapy in pools.

Security can never be questioned, therefore, rely on the technological devices that help to fulfill the goals of professionalism, quality of service and specialized assistance, beyond being a decision, is an obligation of socio-health care managers.

The peace of mind that the residents of a downtown no risk is essential in any health service; If you choose the ideal technological platform, freedom of movement does not have to sacrifice.