La Fundación Alzheimer Catalunya and your bet decided by the person-centred care.

presents the guide in the day Gerontology care person-centered ”, published a few months ago by the Basque Government and the pilot project Etxean Ondo ” (in either House).

Spain, January 2012- 20 January, in the city of Barcelona, Fundación Alzheimer Catalunya organizes a new professional day dedicated to the the person-centred care ”, model of care for people with Alzheimer’s disease or other dementias, which the Foundation is betting for several years now. A day in which also collaborate Foundation Matía and Obra Social la Caixa ” and which have been invited three experts who are developing pioneering and of high interest to the effective development of this model.

Dawn Brooker, a clinical psychologist, Director of the Association for the study of the dementia of the University of Worcester, in the United Kingdom will be the first to intervene, giving a lecture titled how keep the care model focused on the person in an organization using VIPS.

Subsequently the psychologist gerontóloga of the Principality of Asturias, Teresa Martínez, and author of the gerontology care guide focused on the person, publication which is becoming a reference manual for applying the model centres and elderly care servicesperform its presentation summarizing the main contents of the same.

Eventually Miguel Leturia of Foundation Matía expose the pilot Etxean Ondo (in either House), an initiative for implementation of the model of integrated care centred at home that is being carried out in different municipalities of the Basque country.

A day of undoubted interest which is part of the annual meeting of the State network of certified professionals in DMC (Dementia Care Mapping) which is being released by Alzheimer Catalunya with great success between different professionals throughout the country.

The DCM is a tool developed by professors Tom Kitwood and Kathleen Bredin at the end of the 1980s which was designed in order to determine the quality of care they received persons with dementia.

Date: 20 January

place: Barcelona. Caixa Forun – Avenida Francesc Ferrer i Guàrdia, 6-8.

Opening hours:


9: 00 to 14: 00


15: 30 to 20: 00 Meeting annual DE LA RED DE MAPADORES certificates