. Soils and plants adjacent to roads and routes are also affected by the emissions of cars.

Chemist José Antonio Carrero of the University of the Basque country ( Spain) found in an investigation as longest route running worse is the State of the land adjacent. ″Depende of how long the route has been using. In the older routes metals accumulate more and the concentration gradient can be seen in the depths that reach the contaminantes″, details the expert.

To arrive at such conclusions Carrero took samples of the land adjacent to very busy routes and recorded how long had enabled these roads. Some carried 60 years in operation, while others wore only a year. The specialist extracted metals in samples and determined the type and the amount they were beside each road.

Although the lead is one of the most feared metals, Carrero said that there are other metals even more dangerous for the environment for various reasons, and filter down to the deeper layers of the Earth. For example, in his study he analyzed the presence of oxide of zinc, barium, copper, and antimony, among others.

Carrero stressed that the barium and zinc should be monitored very of fence. ″Son issued as a result of wear on the tires and brakes, and accumulates in the form of rust in the upper floor. However, they react with the carbon dioxide from the air and adopt carbonated forms that are more soluble. Find a large concentration of this carbonate layers more profundas″ details.

In addition, the expert noted that the severity of pollution relates directly to the antiquity of the roads that, over time, the metals accumulate in the adjacent areas gradually worsening environmental conditions of the site.

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