Gastroesophageal reflux disease may affect up to 50% of infants in the first months of life.

150 pediatricians of primary care (AP) met in Santa Cruz de Tenerife in the II Jornada joint of Association of Pediatrics primary care of the Canary Islands (APApCanarias) and the Canarian Society of outpatient pediatrics.

-The most frequent is to GER occur between the first four months of life. It is a transient disorder that often improves to 12 or 18 months of age

– in the pediatric population of older, detectable prevalence rates from 2% to 8%

-parents should suspect reflux disease and consult if affected the quality of life of the child or if this is not a development suitable for their age

Santa Cruz de Tenerife, March of 2013- nearly 150 pediatricians of primary care (AP) met last Saturday in Santa Cruz de Tenerife in the II Jornadas joint of Association of Pediatrics primary care of the Canary Islands (APApCanarias) and the Canarian Society of outpatient pediatrics (SEPEXPAL). On this occasion, the reflux Gastroesophageal (RGE), delivered imminent delivery management and update in the management of Pediatric injuries have been some of the main issues addressed by experts.

According to Dr. Carmen Rosa Rodríguez Fernández-Oliva, pediatrician of AP and President of APApCanarias, the idea is to create a common forum where pediatricians and pediatric nurses who developed his professional task in AP and the delivered field to address scientific aspects of daily clinical practice ”.

These days have been certified with a loan by the Agency of accreditation of training. at this stage that we live in, in which the institutional training is very low, not to say almost non-existent, such activities come to an important value in the activity of the pediatrician of AP ”, explains Dr. Rodriguez types. The profession of physician need a continuous sunset a day in knowledge, to be able to practice the profession with an efficiency optimum ”, qualifies.

For Dr. Rodriguez, health care pressure, increased waiting lists in complementary tests, forcing the optional to optimally use their knowledge in the short time available to deliver a quality service. That is why these courses are essential, and while the Administration does not offer them as it would be desirable, associations and medical organizations in their commitment to professionalism take them ”.

Reflux gastro-oesophageal

GER can affect up to 50% of infants in the first months of life. It’s a very common childhood disorder and is one of the main reasons for consultation in AP. According to Dr. María José García Mérida, pediatrician of AP, occurs due to an immaturity of the digestive system and a change in operation which is normal in the first months of life. It is very common that all children in their first months suffering from GER in greater or lesser intensity ”.

The most frequent is GER occurring between the first four months of life. It is a transient disorder that often improves to 12 or 18 months of age. However, in pediatric population detectable prevalence rates from 2% to 8% ”, says the specialist. Prematurity, obesity, certain neurological problems and some respiratory diseases can cause the appearance of Gor.

In this sense, breastfeeding can assist in to decrease this disorder.

In addition, avoid obesity is one of ways to prevent the reflux in older children. Experts recommend that during the infantile stage diet is low in chocolate, fatty and spicy.

Dr. García Mérida recommends avoid the positions of semi-sentado and only if the child is awake and watched, parents can topple him on their left side. In addition, it is advisable to control outlets avoiding volumes high and, on special occasions, introduce any changes in the power that should always be supervised and scheduled by your pediatrician ”.

Than usual is that reflux is a transient, benign, process by immaturity and occur in children regurgitadores, but happy ”, explains the pediatrician.

Parents should suspect reflux disease and check if you see affected the quality of life of the child or if this is not a development suitable for their age. Should always discuss it with your pediatrician, because in addition, symptoms suggestive of GERD in children sometimes overlap with symptoms of other diseases like allergy to cow’s milk protein ”, stresses Dr. García Mérida.