Joint pain in the joints is more frequent among the entire population. The figures are impressive: If years ago, the age in which it began to hurt was about sixty years, it has currently dropped nothing less than to the twenty years. do the causes? Very simple: physical inactivity and poor diet. So many years with the video game consoles, TV or in front of the computer, and without eating fruit or vegetables, end up taking a toll …

to alleviate these headaches, the important thing is to strengthen the joints; there are currently some dietary remedies which seem to be doing effect in certain patients. The best-known is the shark cartilage

this substance has many active nutrients, such as collagen, proteins, calcium or phosphorus.Its effectiveness is quite disputed and currently continue studies continuously with animals, in an attempt to verify its effectiveness. Many physicians and physical therapists recommend it in processes of arthrosis and arthritis, and the recovery of injuries articular.

On the other hand also have another natural remedy, quite unknown here.It’s the roots of harpagofito, a product which can be found in herbal and parapharmacies.These roots have a strong analgesic and anti-inflammatory, power which significantly improves pain and mobility, while providing greater flexibility in the joints. And best of all: no effects side.

Of course, in addition to these remedies, the most important thing is to lead a healthy lifestyle and a healthy diet well as avoid a sedentary lifestyle and exercise way regular. do it for your health!Fuente: Magazine prevent.


Tags: pain joints, joint problems, natural remedies