Genes since that codified the human genome (which is not entirely codified) had opened the door know the genes involved in many metabolic processes, but little by little, step had also been given to the identification of those parts of DNA that are involved in the process as complex as the step to sexual maturity or even menopause, or non-fertile phase of the women. because according to the journal Nature Genetics, may be five different studies have been able to identify the genome sequences involved in the beginning of the fertile phase and the end of the same in women. A British research team would have located in the sixth and ninth chromosomes a region directly related to appearance of first menstruation or menarche. As curious point that these genes would also be involved in that lower more low and brunt had the menarquía before his companions high and thin.

These studies have confirmed at the same time the reproductive cycle is linked with the speed and capacity of ageing that our body, moreover, the early onset of the menstrual cycle in women is completely related to osteoporosis, as well as the breast cancer

Source: ABC

Tags: genes, menstruation