Good intentions with the Pronokal method.

-purpose posed more at the start of the new year is the lose weight

-Pilar Morales, coach of PronoKal ®, proposing how to achieve it with success, preparing us to change the habits long-term

-addition method PronoKal ® launches in this 2013 new products to continue losing weight with a wider range of products to choose: chips and stevia

Spain, January 2013.- with the arrival of the new year, also reaches the approach to new and good purposes comply during the 2013: smokers to quit, the more lazy start to go to the gym, … but the purpose that all we do is the eating healthily and losing those extra kilos that we’ve gotaccented with the excesses of Christmas. Pilar Morales, coach of PronoKal ® explains how to begin to accomplish this good purpose thanks to the method PronoKal ® and with a change of habits that allow long-term, learn to eat healthily.

PronoKal ® experts propose a method under medical control that acts on several fronts. In a multidisciplinary way, the PronoKal ® team consists of experts in nutrition, physical activity and coaching professionals. PronoKal ® has more than 3,000 medical prescribers in the world, 2,000 of them in Spain, which already have treated more than 300,000 patients.

This new year I will lose weight in a healthy and controlled

The PronoKal ® Coaching Department offers a number of resources to people who want to lose weight to achieve the short and long term success. This is one of the fundamental pillars of the method and one of the most important resources at the time of the decision to start with the treatment, carry out and maintain achieved weight.

Pilar Morales, coach of PronoKal ®, explains how have helped people who have needed to change the thinking and action strategy so that they can achieve this goal have been raised with the arrival of the new year.

1. believing in oneself, dealing with the life and the treatment with positive thoughts, are some of the tools that work with people who have relied on PronoKal ® to achieve weight loss.

2 If you want to get something other than what they’re getting, get something different from what you’re doing ”. Many people decide to lose weight again and again the same way. For this reason, PronoKal ® continues to emphasize the importance of putting in the hands of a physician, and also offers a full service to the patient in a comprehensive way, to make the treatment easier and with better results.

PronoKal wide its range of products

Within its commitment to continuous improvement, in this new year, PronoKal ® patients have more where you choose with the addition of three new products to its menu of flavors. These products can only be purchased in PronoKal ® centres with the recipe of the medical prescriber.

-Chips taste Pizza and Chips taste peasant

each bag of Chips corresponding to a ration of 15 g of proteins of high biological value and with minimum loading of carbohydrates and lipids, which makes them a product perfectly adapted to phase 1 of the method PronoKal ®.

-tabletop-based stevia sweetener

this tabletop sweetener unites the benefits of the naturalness of the stevia reubadiana with technology more advanced in order to offer patients of PronoKal ® a perfectly suitable comfortable sweetener in tablets from phase 1 and without excipients that interfere in ketosis. The maximum quality of the product can be seen to possess a purity of 97% in reubadiosido to.

About Pronokal ®

Method PronoKal ® arrives in Spain in 2004 at the hands of Protein Supplies S.L., a company with headquarters in Barcelona and offices in Barcelona, Madrid and Valencia, with a team consisting of more than 250 people. This custom method is done under medical supervision and is based on a scientific Protocol for more than thirty years of application. Today there are already more than 300,000 patients treated with the method PronoKal ®.

The company is carrying out, in addition, different scientific studies which aims to assess the tolerability, safety and efficacy of the method, whose preliminary results are being very positive and presented in the main scientific fora in the country.

Your template at dietistas-nutricionistas, that support the patient throughout the weight loss process, delegates visit medical and administrative personnel. Furthermore, as fixed collaborators has specialists in physical activity, emotional support, as well as experts in kitchen that contribute creative ideas and easy to make healthy menus. Method PronoKal ®, which can only be prescribed by physicians specifically trained, currently has more than 3,000 medical prescribers in the world, 2,000 of them in Spain, with presence in over 11 countries.

Another basic pillar of Protein Supplies S.L. is the continuing education of professionals that relate to the company. Therefore offers both its employees medical prescribers as a program of updates on the method in order to increase and update knowledge in relation to the method PronoKal ® and the protein diet.