scientists patented a system that facilitates the study of the gene in DNA libraries function

thanks to a collaborative project between the CSIC and the Pablo de Olavide University

-the system opens the door to the study of genes in libraries metagenómicas whose function is unknown so far, maximizing the detection of possible forward industrial and technological functions

-this patent stems from the work led by Eduardo Santero, scientific of the UPO, in the framework of the Consolider project the metagenome of the Iberian Peninsula ”

Madrid, 2011 November- A group of scientists led by Eduardo Santeroresearcher of the University Pablo de Olavide, has patented a new system that will facilitate the study of the function of genes stored in a library metagenómicas. Born in the framework of the project Consolider wit the metagenome of the Iberian Peninsula ”, in which participating experts from all Spain, this new methodology will make it possible to enrich the knowledge about microbes, while it will serve as a germ to new practical applications related to the environment or therapeutic research.

The libraries metagenómicas, those that store the DNA of bacteria found in a particular environment, represent a breakthrough in the knowledge of the genome of microorganisms. A tool that facilitates the study of microbes without resort to its cultivation, sometimes very complex depending on the case. However, this advantageous system has certain limitations. Much of these stored genes can not be expressed, i.e. fail ever to fulfil its role, remaining silenced and undetected because they are not in his original body.

To solve this problem, the team led by Eduardo Santero has developed a system that facilitates that these genes which can not be expressed if it develop its task, maximizing the chances of detection are the functions that encode. According to the investigator, our methodology will make it easier to discover new proteins with novel functions and even unique, allowing the development of new products with useful activities in areas such as medicine, agriculture or the industry ”.

Microbial map

This new patent stems from the work carried out by the research group gene expression in bacteria of environmental concern ”, of the UPO, in the framework of the project the metagenome of the Iberian Peninsula ”. This initiative, funded by the Consolider Ingenio 2010 program, part of the observation that about 99% of the soil microbiota is refractory to its cultivation in the laboratory and their biotechnological potential remains unexplored and therefore unknown. Access to this great diversity is an important source of knowledge to basic level and future technological developments.

Consolider Ingenio 2010 program

The wit Consolider programme aims to achieve research excellence in Spain, enhancing cooperation between researchers and scientists, generating multiple research groups. The set of projects included in the Consolider program will mobilise more than two billion euros over the next four years, of which about 50 per cent will be contributed by the State.