good measures to prevent influenza

immunization, hygiene and healthy habits are the recommendations of Dr. Álvaro Cuenllas of Ballesol to bypass this winter infection

Madrid, 2011-October flu, also known in the Anglo-Saxon world as influenza is a highly contagious viral infection of the respiratory tract. it can affect both sexes equally and tends to be more common in children, although it also affects adults and is more dangerous in elderly ”, warns Dr. Álvaro Cuenllas, Director doctor of the Ballesol group Center area. It’s a seasonal infection that begins in the fall, when they begin to lower temperatures, producing the majority of cases between the months of December and March, although there may be some sporadic cases in the rest of the year (favored by the use of air conditioning).

If you have symptoms, there is infection

Influenza spreads to propagate through the air via droplets infected with the virus that expel cough or sneeze – explains Dr. Cuenllas –, cold and humidity conducive to the spread that has as a result infection in respiratory tract. The infection can start from the day before starting to produce the symptoms until they disappear. The length is usually about five days and may be a residual cough and tiredness after infection ”.

Although some of the symptoms are similar to the common cold, Dr. Álvaro Cuenllas recommends be attentive to the following signs and symptoms that show infection by flu and see a doctor as soon as they begin to manifest itself:


-muscle pain headache
– dizziness
-loss of appetite

-sore throat cough
– Moqueo nasal
-nausea and vomiting
– Pain in ears

In elderly and groups at risk, vaccination

While the flu is a benign condition that cures one, it can cause potentially dangerous complications in people that do not enjoy good health, such as the over 65s and children with chronic illnesses or who are low defenses.

In the case of the elderly, flu always involves a more serious, because you can descompensar illnesses already suffer the elderly such as chronic type, diabetes, lung, heart diseases etc. ”, warns Dr. Álvaro Cuenllas.

But there are a number of preventive measures recommended by the specialist apply to avoid contagion.

-Vaccination. first, and most importantly, vaccination, not only for the elderly, which should always be performed if there is no contraindication, but also those who are responsible for their care ”.

-Hygiene. Secondly, as it is easily transmissible and infectious disease, it is recommended, to the extent possible, have no contact with those people who are experiencing it, avoiding large agglomerations of subjects, and wash their hands more often and whenever that is touching a person infected ”.

-Healthy habits. it is also very important to have a healthy respiratory and good breathing. This is achieved to make regular physical exercise in keeping with the subject and abandoning the tobacco ”.

About Group Ballesol

Group Ballesol is the company dedicated and specialized in the management of geriatric homes for the elderly. It has 45 centres in all Spain integrated in urban areas with good communications and excellently located. All Ballesol centers have a multidisciplinary team of professionals led by medical staff to ensure personalized attention for each resident. The Ballesol group has worked since 1980 with a sole purpose: achieving the maximum care and residential quality with the best services for the elderly.