Hanoi, 26 mar (EFE).-the foot and mouth disease, a disease caused by a virus that mainly affects children, has killed 14 children since January and has spread throughout all the provinces of Viet Nam, the local press reported today.

The Ministry of health indicated that, in what it far this year, the viral disease has affected between 1,900 and 2,000 people, mostly minors, which has triggered the alarms of the authorities.

The latest death was that of a child of three years admitted in a hospital in the Mekong Delta where there have been already five fatal cases in these four months.

FMD in humans for which there is no vaccine or specific treatment, usually not lethal, but Viet Nam is affected by a more severe strain of the disease.

The virus causes fever, pain and blisters in the mouth, hands and feet and is spread easily to cough or sneeze, mainly among children

Last year, the disease killed more than 150 people, mostly children, in Viet Nam. EFE