Scientists have found a compound in the leaves of green tea that helps to eradicate skin cancer. The properties of green tea are especially known in China, which has been consumed in infusion for many years.


Unfortunately drink several cups of green tea a day won’t do against skin cancer. Properties of the infusion of green tea are not strong enough to cause an effect.

the scientific studies have found that applying the compound directly affected cells, tumors are reduced by two-thirds or even disappear. The effects have been much more than expected, and it could mean an alternative against the aggressive cancer treatments.

The compound apparently has no side effects in cells or tissues without the disease. The research is carried out by the universities of Strathclyde and the University of Glasgow. It was in their laboratories that they discovered the extract called epigallcatecina Associates (EGCg).

Protein was encapsulated for subsequent testing in severe cases of skin cancer. The experiments were conducted in two types of skin cancer: squamous cell carcinoma, which tends to create scales to skin and melanoma, which develops moles in those affected.

In both cases, 40% of the tumors disappeared, while 30% of tumors in carcinoma and melanoma 20% decreased the size of the tumor. 10% Of melanoma tumors showed no change, or grew or diminished its size. Other studies attributed to the EGCg properties with prostate cancer and leukemia.

We hope to continue research on this topic, and learn about new benefits of green tea.