Researchers have found that an wine fermented with blackberries and blueberries could help sufferers of diabetes. For more human


A study from the University of Illinois found that compounds in wines from blackberries, raspberries, and blueberries, help in the generation of enzymes that adsorb carbohydrates in the body.

patients with type 2 diabetes have trouble controlling their blood sugar levels. This is because diabetics are unable to produce the levels of insulin the body requires. People affected by this disease must be extremely careful about his diet and restrict the consumption of food high in carbohydrates.

Once the carbohydrates (bread, pasta, chocolate) enter the body, these are converted into glucose, dangerously rising levels of sugar in the blood. Laboratory tests revealed that the above generated by the ferment of these fruits of the forest, is as effective as any synthetic anti-diabetic medication.

Hopeful results, teams of scientists now expect to be able to develop a non-alcoholic drink with the same benefits of antidiabetic, and also add compounds that help mitigate the inflammation.

These new discoveries in the medical field could bring hope to a huge number of people that they suffer from diabetes. Unfortunately many people do not have sufficient resources to pay for a treatment effective against diabetes.

Will be watching any developments on this wine of blackberries that that helps against this disease.