Scientists have found that a drug that helps to treat leukemia can help fight HIV, according to research that have done with this medicine. The drug in question bears the name Varinostat.


El Vorinostat is a medicine used to fight leukemia, and could now serve to stop HIV in State latent.

when HIV is in a latent state, the virus hides within the cells, which makes it more difficult to antiretroviral drugs to take effect in patients infected with this virus.

David Margolis, the lead author of the study, explained that when the virus infected cells and they have integrated into the genome of the patient, the HIV virus can continue or active, or but remains in a latent state in the body.

Investigations carried out found the Vorinostat can interrupt the dormant state. This drug has an effect on the virus, making it easy to give effect to the treatments to deactivate it, thereby the immune system can destroy infected cells. Margolis said:

one out of eight patients treated obtained the desired effect. This indicates and demonstrates that there would be a molecular mechanism that can be treated therapeutically to attack and eradicate the infection by HIV. ”

researchers continue to do testing with the drug against leukemia, which when combined with other medicines has a toxic reaction. We hope to have more reports this interesting research.