Hospital dentistry is not yet institutionalized and is not present in most hospitals.


nosocomial pneumonia is a disease that kills more in hospital “. The assertion, made by the surgeon-dentist Paulo Pimentel, aims to alert the company to obtain badly needed hospital care in the field. Nosocomial pneumonia is the second largest type of infection in hospitals, behind only of urinary


its incidence varies from 20 to 60%, depending on the hospital, and has a high rate of morbidity and mortality. “A good portion of patients has just died,” says Pimentel. What few know, however, is that oral care protocols can reduce – and even zero – the chance of a patient hospitalized acquiring nosocomial pneumonia.

patients who are making use of mechanical ventilation, often in Icu (Intensive care units), have a high risk of acquiring nosocomial pneumonia, which is the one that happens 48 hours after hospitalization. The mouth is a port of entry for this infection, since the secretions and bacteria present in the oral cavity descend by the respiratory system and go to the lung, causing the disease


“simple Procedures, such as the use of toothbrush, mouthwash, aspiration and application of chlorhexidine topical, can cause the disease is easily controlled,” explains Paul Pimentel. Despite this, the Hospital Dentistry is not yet institutionalized and is not present in most hospitals.

in view of the importance of the theme, the regional councils of dentistry (CRO) are mobilizing to make a proposal to the Federal Council of dentistry (CFO), to regulate this professional activity in national forum. Bahia is part of the 20 States that have already established Commission for the fight for legalization and regulation of the profession.

“the goal is to make a proposal to the CFO, to create a specific training for this profession.”We want the Dentistry Hospital is established and regulated, given the importance of this area, “says Sandra Mello, surgeon-dentist and counselor of CROBA (Regional Council of Dentistry of Bahia).


bacteria reduction

the dental surgeon, hospital, has a decisive role for the reduction of infections, to reduce bacteria present in the oral cavity, leading to symptoms of disease. Fit also on assignments of this professional: common procedures (such as cleaning the teeth, tongue and fluoride application) and emergency (tooth pain, bleeding and wounds).

the role of the dentist in the hospital environment is vital, because, according to Sandra Mello, “reduces risk, sequels, discomfort and favours the completion of the procedures with greater safety (especially in patients with surgical risk), allows more detailed request for specific exams, offers the possibility of clinical monitoring and specific treatment, in addition to providing dental treatment to those unable to attend the clinic.”

the dental care at the hospital is especially important for patients with congenital systemic diseases (mental deficiency, diabetes, blood displasias, syndromes and other), purchased (HIV, tuberculosis, hepatitis, syphilis, neoplasms and other) or traumatic (bucomaxilofacial orthognathic surgery, trauma), cancer patients, pré-transplantados and cardiopatas, explains Sandra Mello.