El Hospital Universitario de La Ribera recommends moderation in the Christmas. meals

-fix in advance the days going to be celebrated with a special menu and not attend the lunches and dinners in fasting, are some of the recommended tips

Alzira, December of 2011- the service of nutrition and dietetics from the University Hospital de La Ribera, recommends enjoy holiday foods in moderation and recalls thatenjoy Christmas, which is a party that traditionally takes place around the table is not necessary to eat more than what is typically done.

In this sense, the Chief of nutrition and dietetics of the Hospital, DRA. Pilar Luna, has stressed that eat well and evenly is a pleasure which we must not resign nor at Christmas. Thus, is essential to the recovery of the Mediterranean diet as ideal pattern of food and eating in moderation, using fruit and seasonal vegetables throughout the year ”.

In order to maintain a diet balanced in Christmas, DRA. Moon recommends fix in advance the day will be celebrated with a special menu to avoid passing all parties eating and drinking in excess, and not go to meals or dinners in fasting, that, in this way, it is easier to control appetite ”.

Also, must be borne in mind that alcohol, sweets and dried fruits, contain a high amount of calories.

They can drink alcohol at meals, but we must not mix different types of drinks; between the alcoholic beverages, red wine is the recommended ”, points out Dr. Moon.

For desserts, Hospital Universitario de La Ribera recommends natural and fruits, in the case of the Arab heritage (nougat, Marzipan) from Mediterranean traditional sweets, that are rich in fat poli-insaturadas the coming European pastry, but always in small quantities ”.

If you make a copious meal, we recommend you a light dinner, soup of vegetables, fruit and some dairy-based.

Bring holiday meals for the elderly

Similarly, services of nutrition and Dietetics and Geriatrics of the Hospital Universitario de La Ribera, recommend bring holiday meals to the elderly, especially to subsidiaries, in order to facilitate an easy chewing / swallowing.

Thus, it is important to elaborate menus with different textures, caring for the presentation to make it attractive, and recover the traditional dishes, , as well as being more healthy and economic, are familiar to the palate of older at the time helps to know that the younger them ”.

Please use the foie, liver or molluscs, for his excellent contribution in iron, as well as dairy products, due to its calcium content. For people who must maintain a salt restricted diet, we recommend recourse to bread made with yeast mother.

For starters, you can a single dish to ensure protein sources; for example, a carrot puree with meat or a fish soup. For the latter, it is recommended to choose fish with cartilage raya (monkfish) to prevent that spines do not go unnoticed, avoiding in this way, problems in swallowing.

Hospital Universitario de La Ribera recalls the importance of integration of the elderly in the celebrations and share your memories with them. Remember the diet they had and physical activity performed and compare it with the one made today, can help reduce the current errors, increase the exercise and working memory, which is why both elders as children can improve their health ”.