How hypertension is a silent disease that many suffer and unknown. It is important to have a good heart health to have good health in general, so from here we will give a series of tips to prevent and control hypertension.

Need to know that to have a good blood pressure, exercise is essential, that keeps us away from fats and thus also of hypertension. It is enough to make a little daily exercise to keep in shape. food is also important, free of fat and cholesterol foods-based diet is essential. The excess substance exciting as caffeine is something that we must also set aside, because that will increase the heart rate and blood pressure, increasing the tension that have to withstand our veins.

Should also make side abuse of salt, which increases blood pressure and thus the tension of the blood. Why must take special care with salt and prefabricated food, which already contain a large amount of salt

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Tags: care health, prevent hypertension, high blood pressure