Smoking smoking in the expectant mother with sudden death of the newborn. This work attempts to relate, the harmful effects of tobacco on the mother as it baby, and the sudden death of babies infants.

In mice, this Chilean team trials found that, for example, neurons that used as a neurotransmitter to serotonin and are able to detect changes in pH and CO2 from the nucleus raphe decreases its activity in infants exposed to antenatal nicotine. this study aims to that addition, find this certain relationship, expectant mothers take into account the risk that expose their future children, if they are smoking and at high risk of these die by sudden death.

In conclusion, the study showed that tobacco ingested by the mother, affects the anointings respiratory infant, being that this is more likely to suffer respiratory problems and death sudden.

Vitadelia sons and mothers

Tags: medical studies, death sudden, smoking