
the phrase will consult it with the pillow ” has more substance than it at first glance may seem. This article, that just we attach you importance in our rest (unlike the mattress), it can be decisive to enjoy a restful break in night sleep and avoid annoying headaches back or torticollis.

Choose our pillow depends on the type of mattress that we have in the bed, but also, curiously, the position that we adopt usually sleeping.Here are some guidelines that will help you decide what the pillow that best adapts to your rest.

people that sleep face up should choose relatively thin pillows, so that the cervical spine is kept at the same angle with the spine that when standing. Sleep upside down, on the other hand, is not nothing recommendable, since the head has to maintain the neck turned to one side to allow access by air to waterways respiratory.

Compact and thick pillows are the most suitable for those who sleep on side, supported on either of the two shoulders; so the neck will remain positioned in line with column, avoiding forced postures or rotations. But if we do not know in what posture sleep regularly, or are prone to change position during sleep, then the best is opting for a natural fill pillow that are the most flexible on the market.The best pillows (and the most expensive, why not say so) are those of latex;This is so because they are which better adapt to the shape and weight of the head, recovering his form with changes of position. A synthetic pillow is cheaper, but in them they are hollow to them they are uncomfortable with use; natural and polyester fiber they are similar in terms of comfort, but the latter tend to apelmzarse with the washings.

Source / magazine Consumer.

Image / Laura Gommans.

Tags: sleep, choose pillow, pillow types