How as raising the quality of breast milk from the diet. Because what we consume, we pass through breast milk to the small and so is at this stage, very important to take care of what we eat and not eat.

Is important that we consume many fat-soluble vitamins such as vitamin A or also known as retinol, that we can be found in milk, egg yolk, liver of fish, or in the form of carotenes in plants colored as the carrot, tomato and squash. or the vitamin E, found in vegetable oils, avocado, nuts, vegetables and fish. We must also consume enough vitamins of Group B, that them can be found in the liver and the fish, eggs and dairy products, as well as in some foods rich in fiber such as legumes, whole grains and some vegetables.And vitamin C also should be increased in women State infant, since it is source of vitality for our offspring. We can found in citrus fruits such as orange, Tangerine, grapefruit and some vegetables such as peppers.

Women’s elite breast tit

Tags: food, breastfeeding, tips nursing, breastfeeding