In children dental hygiene is very important, especially to avoid the you caries, a very common oral problem between infants.


For your child not go caries and keep healthy teeth while growing, here I leave some Tips for preventing caries in children.

cavities can go for several reasons, the most common are by bacteria found in the mouth which makes the occurrence of caries. Correct washing of teeth and a mouth rinse helps eliminate cavities.

For caries not leave them children, should avoid to eat sugars in excess, as these cause the majority of cavities than children. They should avoid to eat candy and sweets at the same time, that the sugar affects the teeth if eaten at once.

Brush the teeth properly is very important to prevent cavities, must teach children the way that should be brushing the teeth, especially in areas and corners where bacteria can accumulate. You can take children to the dentist so he taught as wash teeth.

Children are growing, and it is very important to take care of their oral health so they have healthy teeth and not end up in the clinic of the dentist with dramatic and painful procedures, and above all so save a little money in the consultations, it is better to prevent.