the hospital San Juan de Dios de Córdoba, reference in the implantation of prosthesis of ankle

-This technique achieves the patient problems with joints regain their mobility to 100 percent

-Center practiced this Saturday the 8th intervention

Córdoba, 2012-June the hospital San Juan de Dios de Córdoba implemented on Saturday a new ankle prosthesis through increasingly better results and intervention that allows that the patient regain their quality of life, that with her it will completely recover the mobility of his foot.

Ankle arthritis is a disease that, although it is less common than the hip or knee, occurs in younger patients due to the deterioration articulate that it appears as a result of a fracture by accident or for the practice of sport.

Until a few years ago the only treatment was fusion, which consists of the fixation of the ankle joint. Long-term, this intervention posed the onset of arthritis and loss of mobility.

El hospital de San Juan de Dios de Córdoba se ha convertido en un referente en la implantación de prótesis de tobillo, una intervención que se realiza mediante la colocación de un componente metálico en la tibia y otro en el pie. At the same time introduces a high resistance (polyethylene) plastic between the two. After surgery the patient starts rehabilitation until recover 100 per cent of the mobility of a gradual and progressive manner.

The hospital San Juan de Dios de Córdoba offers its services to the cordoban since 1935. It is a private centre concluded with the public health system and also provides health care to patients private companies or mutual of accidents. It was her first private Centre accredited by the Agency of sanitary quality of Andalusia at advanced level.