How to start the new year with energy

los Laboratorios Quinton proposed the use of sea water to return to the cell system balance and vitality.

Madrid, September of 2011. The return to work or studies after a prolonged as the summer holiday can produce health and adaptation problems. Fatigue, tiredness, lack of appetite, drowsiness or insomnia are some of the physical symptoms that manifest these days many Spaniards. They also tend to be accompanied by psychological symptoms such as the lack of interest, irritability, nervousness, restlessness, sadness, ideas of ruin or indifference. This is what is known as the post-holiday syndrome (PVS).

During these days, workers returning from their holidays, as students who begin the academic year, must combat these symptoms regenerate his cells and returning to them their vitality.

on the other hand, to post-holiday syndrome (PVS), must add others that are manifested frequently with the arrival of autumn. And, the reduction of hours of light can lead to apathy, drowsiness, generalized weakness, tiredness, irritability and generally a reduction of the body’s defenses, what makes us more prone to infections.

the water of sea allows cellular regeneration

studies in national and international public and private universities have seen the properties and advantages of sea water for the body, either ingested or applied. The sea water contains minerals necessary for the proper functioning of cells. Due to the Ionic bioavailability of its elements, get replenish any lack of minerals. That is why, after the summer season in which the body has suffered moments of dehydration and wear, and face to face a new course ” must rebalance the cell for the post-holiday syndrome tissue and change of station.

Each cell is fed an extracellular fluid that provides vital nutrients to the cell membrane. If the extracellular fluid is altered breaks the cycle of the cellular nutrition, damaging to the cell, and dehydrating the body. The sea water makes the cells drink ” and restore their morphology. To start the new year is therefore highly recommended to make a treatment based on sea water will allow to restore cells internally and therefore the bodies.

According to Mr. Marco Francisco Payá Torres, Medical Director of the Quinton laboratories of sea water can not be used for oral consumption as we find it on our beaches, it is necessary to treat it. We collect her in certain places where the mineral wealth and purity of the ocean is right and after that carry out a process of sterilization in cold and packaging that does not lose any of its properties ” and added use is highly recommended for all people at certain times of the year, as the beginning of autumn, when the agency prepares for periods colder than propitious in nutritional deficiencies, catarrh, colds, flu and defenses drop ”.

about laboratories Quinton

Laboratories Quinton are a few pharmaceutical companies dedicated to the preparation of water of sea microfiltrada in cold direct heirs of the biologist and French physiologist René Quinton, this laboratory is distinguished by scrupulously follow the original method of its founder, being able to update it according to the European Pharmacopoeia. They are at the disposal of the professionals in the area of health or the public in general to satisfy his desire for knowledge on therapeutic Marina and use of the Quinton specialties.