Hydration drink water when you train? Surely, your answer will be Yes. But babies you really enough? It is shown that hydration is fundamental for exercise in good condition;in fact, if we lose two percent of our body weight in water, the performance of our body is reduced from a 20 and a 30 per cent.

Important thing is to know that, if while we exercise we did not invigorate fluids properly, we can suffer alterations that will not only reduce our performance, but that can lead us to the feared coup of heat

by sweating and not replace fluids, lose lots of minerals that our bodies then missing. Those who are lost are potassium and magnesium; If we lack potassium, feel muscle weakness, reluctance and apathy, dream, while the magnesium deficit will bring with it muscle spasms, calambrez or rigidity.

The risk of dehydration is that we do not feel or see it coming. The sensation of thirst regulates us the hypothalamus, but regulation system is not absolutely perfect, and sometimes we may lose that feeling while we exercise, with dire consequences.

Water is the most appropriate drink for rehydration correctly. The isotonic drinks are specially recommended for people who train for periods of time exceeding one hour sessions very prolonged.

J. C. Rojas.

Tags: Exercise, risk dehydration