Influenza finally reached Spain awaited vaccine for influenza and from today it will be circulated to the health centres and hospitals near dose 15.000.0000. The vaccination campaign will therefore begin on 16 November in all the autonomous communities at the time.

The arrival of the first vaccine to Spain coincides with a new warning from the World Health Organization (who): the H1N1 virus will be more lethal in the northern hemisphere than it already was in the southern hemisphere winter austral.

never ceases to draw attention to the continuing contradictions which are constantly incurred in relation to the alarm by influenza. Little more than one week ago Trinidad Jimenez, Health Minister, acknowledged he had reacted with some alarm to influenza, and now who returns to alert about a greater danger of the virus. There is no who clarification, hear!

At the end, when all this finishes, will be confirmed many assumptions that point from to scaremongering by ignorance, economic interests by drug companies, as I had some time ago in our article are tired of influenza?, in which an elaborate video was a review of the actual incidence of the virus and destapaban certain interests in the matter.

But hey, that moment are already here for who want to vaccinate. Remember that in the end just one dose, except for children under 10 years of which shall be necessary two, and which have finally been considered as risk groups are ill chronic from 6 months of age, obese, health personnel, pregnant women, security forces, civil protection, fire and prison officials

A moment … of prison officers? and what happens with the prisoners, who, by their conditions and overcrowding are much more exposed to any epidemic. Of course, those not cares to anyone, such as social waste … send noses! I think that they should vaccinate them all, that can not choose your health care provider or partner of room ”. We’ll see if they even vaccinated who suffer from chronic diseases …

Tags: warning who, flu, vaccine influenza A.