A research team of the Universitat de Barcelona ( UB) has identified the function of a gene involved in the accumulation of fluid in the brain, the origin of the formation of brain edema.

As reported by the Centre in a statement, a work led by researcher Raúl Estévez has determined the relationship between the GlialCAM gene and the chloride channel ClC-2, involved in the balance of fluids in the brain.

The accumulation of fluid in the brain, which is known as edema, is a common phenomenon that may occur as a result of a stroke, a heart attack or brain cancer, but they may also experience swelling people affected by rare disease leukoencephalopathy with Subcortical cysts (MLC) megaloencefálica.

In the Studio you can see that the mutation of the gene GlialCAM modifies the location of chloride cells in channel and also alters the functionality, which causes the accumulation of water.

The results of the investigation will allow studying new therapies for patients with Leukodystrophy MLC, may be extended to other forms of edema, as it has been promised the researcher.

The origin of the MLC, which is associated with symptoms of epilepsy, mental retardation and autism, is in some cases a Leukodystrophy, which is defined as a degeneration of the myelin surrounding nerve cells, a membrane rich in lipids and cholesterol acts as an insulator in a manner similar to a plastic.