Interview with Juan Rumeu, President of the Scientific Committee of the international Dental Forum.

-international Dental Forum, FDM, which will be held from 11 to 13 April 2013 on the campus of Gran Vía in Barcelona is the only event of this area in Spain which encompasses trade exhibition and scientific conference.

Barcelona, September 2012.- one of the objectives of the next edition is to promote knowledge exchange through precisely its Scientific Congress. To this end, a Committee chaired by Dr. Juan Rumeu Milà, who advances the developments and objectives of the next edition has been created.

Question: How do you value Fira Barcelona to organise the next edition of the international Dental Forum?

value in a very positive way and we will have the structure and professionalism of this great fair institution which will help to consolidate the Congress in our country as well as boost its internationalization thanks to its extensive network of delegations abroad, with representation in 36 countries.

We, also, have another very important asset which is the city of Barcelona, very attractive for Congress members and professionals of our sector for its touristic, cultural and gastronomic offerings.

do how it will affect the crisis on the participation of the commercial houses in the exhibition?

For the moment, the main brands of the sector have confirmed their attendance. We are fortunate to be in an area which, although it is no stranger to crisis, this does not affect especially. An example of this is that sales at European level in 2011 registaron an increase of 1.5%, according to the European Dental Industry.

themes will be discussed in the Congress?

The Conference will be structured around three cross-cutting themes applied to dental practice. There will be a block on CAD/CAM systems, that allow you to take action via computer through a scanner. Another axis is the magnification, which consists of using magnifying glasses to have more vision of the field and work microscopically. Finally, the third block will focus on implants placed by navigation, i.e. will discuss computer programs that facilitate the placement of implants in the mouth.

the Congress will be, also, a theme star that will develop the Spanish society of periodontal and osseointegration, you know: the peri-English. As well as the teeth can suffer from periodontitis, has been that the implants also can be attacked by bacteria and loss of supporting bone, renaming in this case periimplantitis. In recent years much progress been made in the understanding of the causes that produce and its treatment. Issues that are topical and which will be discussed in the Congress.

On the other hand will develop sessions for prosthetic and dental hygienists and speech therapists, a few professions that, United and coordinated form the dental team. In short, there will be a very comprehensive scientific program which will encompass under a common known as “European Dental Forum” umbrella.

How many attendees are expected to participate in the Congress?

It is still early to realize, but we hope to reach the figure of 3,000 professionals from different countries and societies, as you know or the Spanish society of Orthodontics (SEDO), among many others.

why would have to attend the FDM the dental professionals?

Mainly to know the latest news and hot topics in the sector since treated more cutting-edge topics for the treatment of oral health. Learning and the interaction between professionals from different countries, using tools such as the “Business Match”, which facilitates the creation of contacts and meetings will also be promoted. There will also be an “Innovation Area” and a “Speaker Corner”, where exhibitors may to present their products and innovations in half-hour sessions.