it is estimated that 4% of the adult population suffers from sleep disorders

-The unit of the dream of the Hospital of the Vinalopó has completed over 650 studies in patients with sleep breathing disorders

– in addition, informative with recommendations and techniques offered to combat insomnia and other sleep problems

Elx, March 2012.- the unit of the dream of the Hospital of the Vinalopó is aimed at the realization of studies that They analyze the sleep disturbances produced by problems cardiorespiratorios or neurophysiologic origin.

The specialists of this unit, coinciding with the commemoration of the world sleep day, warn that the sleep disorders affect around 4% of the population, causing serious health problems such as fatigue, depression, hypertension, cardiovascular disease and stroke, as well as promote the occurrence of traffic accidentsindustrial or household.

The sleep unit deals with treating people who suffer this type of problems, specifically apneas-hipoapneas syndrome during sleep, and offer both diagnosis and treatment. This disease is characterized by the presence of obstruction of the upper airway, causing the patient to stop breathing during sleep for 10 seconds and up to more than one minute. These multiple Awakenings not aware lead to drowsiness and tiredness during the day.

Since its opening at the end of 2010, the sleep of the vinalopo Valley Hospital Unit has more than 650 studies conducted in patients not only to the Department but also people from outside the area with different pathologies related to sleep, avoiding displacement to other hospitals. They are & polygraphy test temporarily, polysomnography and CPAP qualification, this latest study aimed at already diagnosed patients receiving treatment at his home mechanical ventilation through non-invasive.

Types of studies

Sleep studies can be made in the home of the patient or in the hospital. These offer the advantage of obtaining records monitored by a technical specialist, trained in this type of pathologies.

In this type of hospital study, the patient remains a stay as close as possible to its surroundings of dream, controlled by a video surveillance camera and a monitor that records the variations, characteristics and quality of breathing, as well as brain activity if you need a more specific study.

This type of tests, after a previous data of tension, sizing, weight, etc … require at least 5 hours of sleep to be effective, so that in a single night study has been completed and the patient can return to his home in the morning.

Health promotion

On the occasion of the commemoration of the world sleep day ”, the Department of health has conducted informative talks aiming to educate citizens on the importance of maintaining a minimum of hours of sleep for healthy living. In these workshops, practitioners have offered tips and techniques to help sleep, as well as guidelines to combat insomnia without drugs.

Such initiatives comply with the commitment adopted provide a nearest health as a way to prevent disease and improve the health of citizens.