Is possible to prepare Christmas menus rich, cheap and with few calories!

If you are not careful, these dates fattening an average of 3 kilos.

-Objective: not gain weight and enjoy the festivities

Spain, December of 2011- choose a marzipan instead of a portion of turrón (has 70 less calories), or a glass of champagne instead of a liqueur (132 calories less). They are small culinary secrets that can make us enjoy the holidays without suffering on the scale. This Christmas, clinic London proposes an adjustment in the budgets and in calories but not the flavor. The secret of a rich and healthy food is right in the mix, enhance the natural flavors and follow a healthy process. It should also be advocating moderation and do not use these days as an excuse to be big binge eating ”. The objective is to enjoy the holidays without our health or our pocket shouldn’t therefore ” explains the Doctor Ricard Sorio, responsible for psychology in the unit of obesity and nutrition at clinic London clinic London.

To succeed in the design of our menus, we propose to follow 5 simple tips that considerably reduce the chance of gaining weight. Choices must be:

-better than meat fish. And Turkey or chicken instead of beef red.

-Jamón serrano or seafood rather than choose other meats or appetizers industrial

– for the first opt for salads, vegetables, or light cream and desserts always fruit.

-A good wine red rather than any liquor. And cava brut nature supersedes are sugar incorporated.

-cooking oven-baked or steamed, avoiding the fried foods and stews.

If a person has the whim to eat a plate special at this time, then go ahead. But that may happen once, every day. will have to choose your extras. There are no forbidden foods, but the excesses are prohibited ”, says Dr. Ricard Sorio.

All of these ideas are part of clinic London slimming programmes. In these patients receive psychological support and guidelines on these dates and nutritional rehabilitation, can also enjoy exclusive workshops where a team of specialists proposes menus customized to you. Some examples might be:


-cream of artichokes with clams


-artichoke pie


-squid stuffed with spinach

-melon, ham and King prawns brochette

-salmon stuffed with vegetables baked

-Turkey in the oven


-Macedonian natural fruit with Nougat ice cream

-pineapple with forest fruits

-roasted applessprinkled with cinnamon and a splash of cognac.

And should not be forgotten drink plenty of water and move wherever possible. These days it should be small everyday strategies of caloric expenditure. Many of them just require effort and have an impact on our figure: get off a stop before the bus and walk 10 minutes more, playing with the children (preferably in activities in the open air with movement), forget the elevator and taking the stairs … ” explains clinic London specialist.

and happy holidays!

London clinic has 14 centres in Spain, more than 10 years of experience and belongs to the Bavaria group. It was the first clinic European in getting the certificate of quality ISO 9001-2000.