What filled with poppy fields that grow out of control on many roads. It is a plant that attracts attention by its color and intense beauty, especially because of its red flowers, with four petals and a black spot at the base. Both the petals as the flower pods are collected to take advantage of its medicinal properties.Want to know that is used at medical level poppy? The most important thing is their sedative action although, unlike other plants with the same power, does not contain morphine. Is used both to appease the States of specific nerves as to calm the anxiety that many people have usually. It is also recommended in cases of insomnia caused by the same stress. if you have problems in the respiratory system should know that one of the most prominent properties of poppy is its expectorant capacity, so it can be used to treat from the bronchitis to strep through irritating cough. Even calm irritation of throat that produces this cough.If you want to make syrup of poppies against cough and nervous States just have to marinate five tablespoons of petals in half a litre of water for 15 minutes. It then adds in hot sugar to give consistency. If you need an infusion for insomnia boil a liter of water with 10 capsules of poppy seeds. We will take 2 or 3 tablespoons milk before going to bed. Poetic seduction

Tags: poppy, poppy medicinal plant, poppy properties