IV Congress on rare diseases and least 5 p syndrome.

Hall of the ONCE Foundation, 9 and 10 March 2013.

Spain, February 2013.- The world rare disease day is celebrated as every year, on 28 February. This year our meeting at the Congress becomes especially relevant for all since the year 2013 has been declared since the Ministry of health, Social policy and equality, national year of diseases uncommon.

Fundación Síndrome 5 p-, wants to take to communicate to society in general, and, in particular, to the collective support to those affected, the latest advances and applications of research on these diseases. In this regard, we invite you to attend to the IV Congress on 5 p – syndrome and rare diseases ”, days 09-March 10, 2013 in Madrid.(program and registration here)

Will be opened, (confirm pending) by the official body of the Ministry health, along with Sonia Saiz Rodríguez, Vice President of the Foundation 5 p less. Mrs. will participate in the event. Maria Luisa Martinez Frias, Director of the center of research on congenital anomalies, Institute of health Carlos III Madrid, Dr. Salvador Martínez Pérez, Director of the laboratory of embryology Experimental of the Instituto de Neurociencias de Alicante (CSIC-UMH, Dr. César Cobaleda FernándezScientific Titular CSIC, Centro de Biología Molecular Severo Ochoa, Ms. María Pérez Solís, Professor Faculty of Psychology UCM; Sara Perez, a psychologist in ANSAPERT and other Craneosinostosis Sindrómicas and Justo Herranz, delegate of the Madrid C. FEDER.