Jesus Avila of degree, new scientific Director of the Centre for research in biomedicine in network of diseases neurodegenerative.

-doctor of chemical sciences from the Complutense University of Madrid, the new scientific Director of the CIBERNED has been a pioneer in Spain in the study of the neurodegenerative processes and axonal regeneration

– currently belongs to the Scientific Advisory Council in Joint Programming Neurodegenerative Diseases in the EU

– recently was the Scientific Director of the Global Alzheimer Research Summitheld last September in Madrid

Madrid, 2011-October the President of the Rector Council of the Centre for research in biomedicine in network diseases neurodegenerative (CIBERNED) and director of the Institute of health Carlos III (ISCIII), Dr. José Jerónimo Navas, with the unanimous support of the Executive CommitteeHe has named Jesus Avila’s Scientific Director new degree of this body. This appointment has been ratified on 10 October by the Standing Committee on CIBERNED and it will be elevated to the plenary of the Governing Council.

Dr. Avila grade has been one of the researchers Spain pioneers in the study of the neurodegenerative processes, whose paradigm may be Alzheimer’s disease, and is one of the most renowned Spanish scientists of our country: Medal of the University of Helsinki (1997) and prize of the Royal Academy of exact sciencesPhysical and natural (1996), award of the community of Madrid, research scientist (2001), the Lilly Foundation Award in biomedical research (2002), national research award Santiago Ramón y Cajal (2004), Eladio Viñuela Award for research in life sciences (2010), among others.

With this appointment, the CIBERNED strengthens its commitment to research and relies on the experience of Dr. Avila level to coordinate and lead the 58 research groups, both basic and clinical, that today make up this cyber. It also, from his new position as Scientific Director, part of the Steering Committee of the CIBERNED, actively participating in the Executive direction of the Agency under the Ministry of science and innovation through the Instituto de Salud Carlos III.

Jesus Avila of degree is Ph.d. in chemical sciences from the Complutense University of Madrid, and was the teacher in charge of the doctoral course cytoskeleton ” of the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid for nearly 30 years.

also mumerario member of the Royal Academy of exact sciences, physical and natural, of the European Academy and EMBO.

It has also been Director of the Center for biology Molecular Severo Ochoa (years 1984-1986 and 2002-2004). Now, it is research professor in the CSIC, and President of the Spanish society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (years 2000-2004).

For more than 40 years as a researcher he has published several books and nearly 400 articles in the world’s most prestigious, such as Cell, Nature or Science journals. It currently has an index of 55 impacto-h and boasts more than 9,900 citations, with an average per-article on 25. In addition, it has currently been or is a member of various editorial committees of publications such as: Journal of Alzheimer’s ’ s Disease, FEBS Letters, Journal of Biological Chemistry, EMBO Journal or Frontiers in Neuroscience, among others, and has been evaluator in more than 50 journals.


The Center for research in biomedicine in network diseases neurodegenerative (CIBERNED) is one of the centers of reference in Spain in research on neurodegenerative diseases (END), such as Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, Hurtington and other ataxias and neuromuscular diseases. Created in 2006, its main purpose is encourage basic biomedical research, clinical research and the epidemiological as well as promote research that takes place in the laboratories can materialize and reach the patient (translational research).

It is legally organized as a public Consortium where they involved various institutions representing the General State administration, the autonomous communities and other not institutional e includes a total of 58 Spanish research groups that share a common goal: combat Neurodegeneration ”.

Funds managed by the CIBERNED come from the State, specifically the Ministry of science and innovation, who channelled them through the Instituto de Salud Carlos III. However, CIBERNED has the power to be able to attract other resources from foundations or funds research.

In addition to the basic and clinical research, the CIBERNED is intended to promote the science of quality and make to society in its efforts to reduce the negative impact of the Neurodegeneration.